Search Results
Beyond the Solar System | Researchers: Robert Kirshner–Dark Energy
Dark Energy and the Accelerating Universe with Robert Kirshner | CfA
The Accelerating Universe - Robert P Kirshner
The Accelerating Universe - Dr. Robert P. Kirshner
Solving the Hubble Tension | Robert Kirshner (400)
Big Think Interview With Robert Kirshner | Big Think
A Nobel Surprise: The Accelerating Universe
Robert Kirshner - Einstein’s Blunder Undone (April 13, 2016)
Robert Kirshner, Harvard University, "The Accelerating Universe: Einstein's Blunder Undone"
Robert Kirshner -- Breaking The Wall of Cosmic Acceleration @Falling Walls 2013
Beyond the Solar System | A Visual Journey
"Probing the Dark Universe" - A Lecture by Dr. Josh Frieman